Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Corporal cuddling

{I don't know if this is a phase or what, but Sammy absolutely refuses to be held for photos anymore.  He twists, turns and screams like he's possessed, which makes for some interesting/comical shots captured for the memory books.  Fortunately my brother is a pretty good sport about Sammy's recent personality shift and doesn't take it personally.}


  1. Great outlook of it, it makes for funny memories.
    They hit a stage when they can't stand their pictures taken. Then they get better. Then they hate it again. ;)

  2. It's great that you got to see your brother & that he was able to spend time with him. I do think it's a phase with the photos- if I remember correctly- we went through that with all of the kids. They have their stint of independence :)

  3. So awesome!
    My brother and I don't talk. Its great that you are able to. Nice photos too.

  4. My little guy just hides his face. I have to stand on my head and trick him to look at me most days!

  5. My grandson is at the stage where he will makes faces or just turn his head.
    Maybe this won't last long.

  6. I'm quite sure it's just a phase he's going through. Cute pics nonetheless!

    Have a nice day, L!

  7. Ha ha. Funny but I am sure it is not for you.


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