Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Stylin'

{Sammy is starting the no-pants trend here in Texas, which is the result of him splashing happily in the cat's water fountain for several seconds before I figured out what he was doing and put an end to his playtime like the mean, cruel and nasty mother that I am.  At least one good thing came out of his impromptu splash time--the kitchen floor is now a lot cleaner than it was before.}


  1. First, let's talk about those cute slippers! Second, we'll move on to the cute boy in them! Third, my boy lives without He hates them. Maybe it's a boy thing.

  2. Ha ha! Hilarious and cute.

  3. He is so sweet!
    Lovely photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. Too funny! My grandson loves to streak, I mean strip down and run around the house! LOL

  5. love love love love love!!! best photo ever!!


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