Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: The terrible two-year-old molars

{This is one of the rare moments from yesterday when Sammy wasn't a. crying, b. sobbing, c. whining, d. clinging to me, and/or e. throwing a monster tantrum.  I'm hoping that his recent shift in behavior, coupled with his flaming red cheeks, drooling and gnawing on just about everything he can shove in his mouth--two sippy cup straws have been chewed to pieces in the last few days--is being caused by his two-year-old molars making their existence known.  I hope those things pop through soon, because holy crap, teething sucks.}


  1. Hate teething, especially hate molars, and cannot WAIT for this period of our kids' lives to be OVER!!!!

  2. Poor lil' man, hope he feels better soon.

  3. Oh yes- I remember those days. Everyone warned us about everything but the teething. That was the hardest thing we dealt with. They are so miserable & as a parent you just feel so helpless- especially if you don't want to load them up on Tylenol.

  4. teething sure looks like fun! :( also I just read this article... ...kind of freaked me out a little bit...I hope all is well out is the west Texas town of El Paso...

  5. Poor Sammy! I Hope they are out soon! I thought the canines were bad but if Sammy is having such a terrible time, I really am not looking forward to what is to come soon! Hope you have a good night!

  6. Aww. Hope he is better soon. Do you use hylands teething tablets? They are miracle workers.

  7. Aww!! Poor Sammy!

    Sending him lots of hugs!!!

  8. We have those socks!

    Also, cold wash cloths helped us get through them, as well as just giving him a toddler toothbrush to chew to bits, along with an ample amount of Orajel. He also had a silicone baby teether shapped like a banana that helped get in the very back. Hope they cut through quickly!


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