Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: A few of my favorite things

{There's no other flower that can bring a smile to my face quite the way that a bunch of yellow tulips can.  They brighten up any room and never fail to brighten my day.}

{Another of my favorite things is Miss Sandy Cat, of course.  And one of her favorite things to do--second only to using our new sofas as scratching posts-- is nibbling on the leaves of my flowers when she thinks no one is watching.}

{And l couldn't let a post about my favorite things go by without a mention of Sammy, my favorite resident toddler.  Here he is showing off one of my recent thrift store finds--a vintage photographer's backdrop and stand that I scored for $10 at my favorite thrift shop.  What are some of your favorite things?} 


  1. The mint growing in my backyard that makes it easy to make mojitos...

  2. Jealous! I want a vintage back drop for

  3. Birding, Lilli, my dogs, and Jekyll Island, GA are in my top 5. Alex is probably my absolute favorite though.

  4. What A great thrift find! Aren't your sofa's new? Bad kitty!

  5. Those flowers are the most beautiful shade of yellow!!! LOVE!

  6. The consensus among us here in Maryland is that that is a movie projection screen. Please start showing movies in your backyard to Sammy and the neighborhood kids. Awesome.


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