Monday, September 10, 2012

All smiles

Not much to say, thanks to the late night I pulled watching the Pittsburgh vs. Denver game (I'm a Steelers fan while Captain Husband is a Broncos fan, so much trash talking was to be had in the house), so I thought I'd share this incredibly cute photo of Charlie that I took last Sunday.  Only three weeks old and smiling for the camera--the kid is a fast learner.  And in other news, where has the time gone?  This kid's going to be a month old in only a few days!

 then, she {snapped}


  1. OMG! How big he has grown! He is adorable, L!

  2. I can't believe it'll be a month. Oh, how I want to snuggle baby Charlie!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! He's adorable! Love those cute little overalls!

  4. Such a sweet smile too! Already a month soon, wow.

  5. Freaking adorable!!! Look at love love. ALL LOVE!!!


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