Monday, September 24, 2012

Puddle jumping

These photos were taken a few weeks ago (shows just how far behind the eight ball I am these days) before my mom returned to Pennsylvania, but they're just too cute not to share.  We'd been hit by a big rainstorm one afternoon, so my mom took Sammy and Charlie outside to do some puddle jumping, something that Sammy doesn't get to do too often on account of us living in the middle of the desert and all that.  Sammy had a blast as you can see and I had a great time photographing him having fun.

 then, she {snapped}
The Paper Mama Photo Challenge


  1. Aww. Cute. I love that last one. Gorgeous eyes!

  2. Such a cute boy and an adorable newborn. Great pics!

  3. I love these!!!! It's so nice to see you all here & having fun in the puddles just makes me happy. Thanks for the smile!

  4. So precious!!!! Look at all the dark brown hair on that :)

  5. Aww, these are great photos. I especially love that last one. Beautiful eyes.

  6. Puddle jumping is so much fun! I love the way itty bitty babies just sort of mold to your body, just like Charlie is with your mom.

  7. These came out great! That last shot is my favorite; what gorgeous eyes!

  8. Puddle jumping is a blast!! Such an adorable boy! You have some cute little ones!!

  9. Love the pics, L! Awww! Just look at those big beautiful blue eyes!

    Happy Tuesday!

  10. OM-GOSH! Puddle jumping is the best! Your little boy has gorgeous blue eyes!

  11. cute and such much fun for kids! Those eyes, you will be chasing girls away before you know it!


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