Friday, May 3, 2013

Moving on up

 It's official--the cast of L to the Third is going to be trading our view of the Franklin Mountains of El Paso for the Front Range and Pike's Peak of Colorado!  It's all come as a bit of a surprise, especially as Captain Husband thought we were going to be in El Paso for at least three years, but it turns out that we won't even make it to a full two.

We're still working out all of the details, like where we're going to live and just when exactly we're moving, but I think it's safe to say that the entire family is pretty excited for this next adventure, especially as it's only a day's drive away. So who wants to come visit once we're settled in at our new location?


  1. Sign us up for a visit! Excited for the whole crew :)

  2. The NW side is where it's at. There's a house for rent on my street right by the awesome park that Charlie and Sammy would love...just sayin.

    It's a bit of hike to Ft. Carson, but totally doable (16 miles one way). Where ever you guys land you know we'll need to get together. Perhaps an afternoon at the diaper store is in order (after lunch/cocktails). :)

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