Here's a rundown of all of the stuff we took in addition to the diapers, wipes and formula:
- Our pack-n-play with built-in bassinet (scored on super duper clearance and quite possibly one of the best purchases we've made)
- Two pack-n-play sheets
- Six blankets (four of the fuzzy variety)
- Three washable changing pads
- Four zippered sleepers
- Eight onesies/assorted outfits
- Four pairs of socks
- Two pacifiers and a pack of pacifier wipes
- Three books, a rattle, and an activity mat for play/tummy time
- Stroller
- Bouncy chair
- Assorted baby toiletries, like shampoo/body wash, baby lotion, California Baby diaper-area spray (referred to as butt spray in our house), and California Baby calendula lotion (for Sammy's lovely baby acne and other mysterious rashes)
- Baby Bjorn
- Ring-wrap
- Breast pump and a plethora of bottles and nipples, as well as other assorted accessories, like a bottle scrubber thingy and travel-sized dish soap; I actually managed to pump while CH drove 75 miles an hour on I-95 just to see if I could, but I wouldn't recommend it (CH was worried that everyone was getting a free show, but in my case, things like modesty ceased to exist after I gave birth)
- And a partridge in a pear tree
Here's Sammy meeting his great-grandparents:

Four generations on one couch:

No major melt-downs or diaper explosions and a good time was had by all; the very definition of a successful trip as far as I'm concerned!