Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crafting under the influence

 Last Friday found Sammy and me in Fredericksburg for another crafty gathering at the lovely M's home.  On the agenda: eating pizza, enjoying good company and making pinecone elves.  We kicked off the evening with some holiday-themed cocktails and caught up with one another while Sammy showed off his sitting abilities and enjoyed some corporal cuddling.

 After Sammy went down for the night, we pulled out our various supplies and got started on our elves.  Perhaps bolstered by some of the holiday "cheer" that had been imbibed, several of us decided to go rogue and ignore Martha's instructions and just wing it.  This resulted in hilarity and some minor burns from the glue gun.  All in all, the elves turned out pretty darn cute--M even made a pinecone cat!

My pinecone elf is currently acting as a tree-topper for the aluminum tree in the dining room. Gotta love those pipe-cleaner arms!


  1. Those are friggin adorable! So kitschy and cute and silly... I absolutely love them.

    Btw, I come to your blog frequently so that I can look at pictures of Sammy and get my "cute baby fix". Please give his cheeks a little bite for me. :)

  2. These are too cute! I love that you put your on top of your tree. It looks like he's flagging Santa down, saying "drop presents here". :)

  3. That's sooo cute! Is it hard to make the little guy's accessories?

  4. Adorable! I kinda want to try now!

  5. @ Kitten: They weren't that difficult to make, especially if you used the templates provided (which we forgot to print out) and go the hot glue route rather than stitching everything (believe me, it took forever to stitch those mittens and shoes). :)

  6. Hehehe! I don't know what's cuter - Sammy or the elves! That's an awesome idea, putting your elf on the tree. Since my tree topper is no more (ahem - decorating accident) I might just have to perch my littl eguys up there too!


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