Monday, December 13, 2010

Jingle Bell Swing! (and a special thank you)

I made a Christmas mix cd of some of my favorite Christmas music for my MilSpouse Secret Santa.  It's a fun mix of vintage classics--some you may know and love and others you may have never heard before.  Since it's the season of giving, I thought I'd offer to share it with anyone interested in a copy.  All you have to do is send an email to eltothethird[at]gmail[dot]com with your name and address by Thursday, December 16th; I'll be taking them to the post office on Friday so the cds should arrive just in time for Christmas. 

Speaking of the MilSpouse Secret Santa, a special delivery arrived on Friday; I excitedly opened the box and unwrapped the contents to find A Child's Book of Old Verses selected and illustrated by Jesse Willcox Smith (New York: The Dial Press, Inc., 1935):

I was speechless.  I have been looking for a copy of this book at every antique shop and mall that I've come across since I was pregnant with Sammy.  Seriously (plus, I love the artwork of Jesse Willcox Smith--I was actually *this* close to getting one of her pieces as a tattoo a couple years ago).  I can't wait to start reading this to Sammy.  Thank you so much, Katie--I love it!


  1. I am so very pleased that you liked it!! I stumbled upon it and thought, "even if she doesn't like it, I can't pass it up. It's so beautiful!" Merry Christmas!

  2. That's really very generous of you to do this Christmas. Happy for you tat you got the book! :)

  3. What a wonderful post about giving!


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