Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nine-month update (just a few days late)

Sammy had his nine-month well baby appointment yesterday; he currently weighs 21 pounds, 7 ounces, and is just over 29" in length, which puts him around the 85th percentile for his size.  Sammy is wearing eighteen-month clothing and already some of his onesies are getting tight.  I think his nickname should be "Tank."  It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Sammy's now getting three meals of solid food a day and taking his bath in the "big boy" tub.  At the moment, Sammy still seems to be pretty open about trying new foods--in the past week he has sampled strawberries, tomatoes, steamed and mashed broccoli and raw onions (!).   He still only has two teeth, but I have a feeling that a top tooth (or two) will be making an appearance soon (with any luck, it will be very soon, as a teething Sammy is a whiny Sammy and I am not that big a fan).

Looking back on the past month, it seems as though my baby has turned into a little boy overnight.  In just the past few weeks, Sammy has figured out how to crawl, how to clap, how to pull himself up, and how to feed himself little bits of food here and there.  Now that he can crawl, Sammy's become even more independent; when he tires of the toy that he's playing with, he simply crawls over to his toy box and pulls out a new one.  It's awesome.  I'm can't wait to see what milestones the next month will bring.

P.S. Dear Sandy, you can run and you can hide, but rest assured, Sammy will find you. Consider yourself warned.


  1. He is totally starting to look like such a big boy! How weird is it to watch our infants turn into kids? It's like a magician pulled them out of a hat!!

  2. He's so cute! Great pictures :)
    Crazy how fast they grow.

  3. ohmg that video made me laugh so hard. "crap" cant stop laughing!

  4. Aw Sammy is just so darn cute! It seems like just yesterday when his arm stopped him from rolling over!

  5. So cute!!! Love those beautiful eyes...and that piano? Most annoying toy ever. We have one too and I try to keep it hid. :)

  6. yeah!! Happy nine months to your adorable little Sammy! HE is sooooo stinking cute!!! Love seeing him crawling now and playing peak a boo with the kitty;0. I miss that little tank!! HE weighs 2 pounds more than Daisy;0. hehe

  7. So cute! Thos pictures are amazing - what a handsome little dude!!

  8. Awww. Getting so big. He is so adorable!


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