Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vloggin' Vednesday: How to speak Pittsburghese

Welcome to this week's edition of Vloggin' Vednesday; I've been sick with a nasty, snotty head cold since Friday, so I apologize for sounding especially nasal/congested in this video.  Also, if my "how to" doesn't seem to really make any sense, it's likely due to the fact that I'm totally whacked out on whatever over-the-counter-remedy I decided to try last night.  Fun times!

For those of you who want to get your nerd on, you can learn more about the regional dialect of western Pennsylvania by clicking here; if you'd like to see what Kennywood looks like when it's actually open (and no, this link won't take you to photos of people with their flies down), click here.

Want to join in, too?  Visit the official Vloggin’ Vednesdays page to find current themes/ questions along with the corresponding Vednesday and then link up at Adeline’s Daddy Blog each Wednesday Vednesday.  C'mon, you know you want to!


  1. LOVED this! Just moved from MD to Philadelphia and I would have appreciated a video like this to help me understand the Philly lingo. I had never heard some of these Pitsburghese staples. So funny!

  2. I love hearing everyone talk on Wednesday as well. Fun! {said in a slightly Southern accent} :)

  3. Okay, that first one isn't just a Pittsburgh thing, my inlaws say that too and I had no idea what they were talking about. They live in the western half of NC.

  4. I call a remote control the "magic twanger." Not really a regional phrase, but hails from an old TV show my parents watched in the 1950s. It was always what my mom called it and now I do too. It was funny the first time I asked James to pass the magic twanger!

    Oh, and apparently I pronounce the word "pillow" like "pell-o." It drives James crazy! Now my step-sons say it too! Again, not sure where I picked that one up.

    Language is a fascinating subject :)

  5. What about the complete disregard for the verb "to be?" I'm trying so hard to speak correctly for L's sake. It's tough. Especially when I can't seem to pronounce words like "full" or "pull."

  6. Yinz know I loved this. All them Picksburgh words n'at.

  7. Pittsburgers!?!? I love it!! I don't think I've heard any of those words before!

    Well - maybe Pop, but down here it's all just Coke!

    Love it!

  8. Haaahaaaa!!! This was such a perfect how to! Loved it!

  9. Way too funny! I have never heard those words before. Except for pop. We here in New England we call it soda, except in the Baaahston area, where some call it "tonic." I have no idea why.

    Then there is bubbler (water fountain) and jimmies (sprinkles for ice cream).

    You've given me an idea for a post showing off my Boston "paaaahk the caaaahk" accent!

  10. I'm in love! I'm a western PA native as well and just died as you went thru the husband is an eastern PA native so he makes fun of me all the time for gum band, buggy, nebby and the like.

    Oh..and Kennywood rulz!

  11. This is excellent! I loved your vlog!! :)

    I was born in Philly but didn't grow up there, so I love anything Pennsylvanian! :)

  12. "oh crap my underware is hanging out of my pants." -HAHHA LOVE (sorry im soooo late looking at these I know Im lame.)


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