Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cake smash! (and an important Sammy update)

This Saturday found Sammy and me in Frederick, Maryland, where we helped his friend Lillian celebrate her first birthday in style.  And what's a first birthday without a bunch of cake-smash photos?

Lillian eyes up the cake

Not sure about the icing

Cake smash clap

The birthday girl having fun

We then spent the rest of the afternoon watching all of the little ones run/crawl around and have a great time. There were about ten kids there, ranging in age from five months to six years old, and amazingly enough, there wasn't a single tantrum or breakdown (parents included).  One of the highlights of the afternoon was Lillian's new water table, which translated to a lot of wet, but happy, kiddos--Sammy included, which is why he spent the better part of the day in one of his diapers because I quickly tired of changing him into dry outfits.

Sammy and Nora

Lillian and Severin

Okay, onto the Sammy update--that's probably why you're here, right?  In the midst of all of the chaos of all of the kids playing and carrying on, Sammy took three honest-to-goodness steps.  He walked.  For real.  Fortunately I wasn't the only one who saw it--Lillian's grandma, Judy, saw it, too.  We both sat there on the couch, mouths agape.  It was like all of a sudden Sammy just made up his mind to go for a short walk and off he went.  It was amazing.  I suppose this means that Sammy might actually be walking by the time Captain Husband gets home in a few weeks--my baby boy is going to be a toddler before I know it!


  1. I love the whole idea of a cake smash!! Great pics!

  2. You know what happens after those steps...he'll learn to run! Keep up girl!

  3. Yeah Sammy!! Look out world, here he comes!

  4. OMG! I love,love,love the smash-cake photos! Sammy is just toooooo cute!!

    Happy Tuesday, L!

  5. So cute, who doesn't love a cake smash!!!

  6. Wooohooo! Go Sammy! Amy also did 3 steps a few days ago, then nothing and today...8!!!!! She wants to walk walk walk and is always taking my hand to balance....I am KNACKERED ;-) she either walks or sleeps...no middle thing;-) wonder who will be walking for real first...so exciting!

  7. Awesome! It sounds like it was a fantastic time. My son took his first unassisted steps on Christmas Day, and three days later he was scooting all over the house with his stand-and-walk school bus. Now he spends all day running full tilt, never stopping.


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