Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Load 'em up

Sarah and Ben with their haul of baby stuff

{My brother, Ben, and sister-in-law, Sarah, stopped by for an impromptu visit Monday night on their way to Salisbury, Maryland.  They left the next morning and although it was a short stay Sarah and I managed to go through the four large tubs of Sammy's outgrown clothing and other sundry baby objects that were no longer in use around these here parts.  Here's what they wound up taking home with them:
A. Large tub of baby clothing;
B. Vintage toy chest loaded with more baby clothing;
C. Co-sleeper;
D. Bag of maternity clothing;
E. What you can't see on the back seat--a take-along swing, johnny jump-up, walker, bumbo, bathtub and boppy;
F. Ben practicing our Dad's official facial expression used in every single photograph ever taken of him (I think Ben's trying to get a jump on this whole fatherhood thing).
I'm so glad that I'm able to help them get ready for their first baby; of course, it doesn't hurt that helping them also helps me get rid of a lot of clutter that's been lingering around the house for too long.   Everyone wins!}


  1. What a nice, quick visit. They're car looks full lol

  2. Don't you just love the feeling of purging? I'm glad your baby items have gotten a good home.

    I had to laugh at your comment about your brother's facial expression. My husband has this grin that looks so much like his father at times, it's scary!

  3. Oh wow! Jackpot for them. What a great thing for both of your homes. :)

  4. so they must be parents to be then;0? That was so sweet of you to send them off with so many goodies!! What a great sister you are!!

  5. I love giving our old baby stuff a new home! It's always a win-win situation!:)


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