Friday, July 8, 2011

Foto Friday: Favorite

As some of you may know, Foto Friday is now being hosted by Lori of La-La's Home Daycare; for her inaugural link-up, Lori has suggested the theme of "favorite."  Here's my most recent favorite photo of Sammy:

Sammy in black and white

I took this photo last week while Sammy was eating dinner; our dining room gets the best natural light in the whole house so it's hard not to take advantage of it, even when Sammy's covered in peanut butter and jelly.

Be sure to check out the other photos by clicking below; have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Awww!!! I love it! Gorgeous in black and white.

  2. This really is gorgeous...his eyes just pop and I love the composition. Frame it!

  3. So cute! I can see that beautiful light reflecting in his eyes.

  4. Gorgeous! I agree, frame it!

    Our dining room also has the best light, and added bonus is that when they're strapped into their seats they can't escape our cameras! ;)

  5. Holy Bright Eyes!! I love those eyes. he's so adorable.

  6. I can see why this is your favorite. He is so adorable and the shot is really good. I think it is my favorite, too. Fabulous!!

  7. Just look at those eyes. What a cutie!

  8. Thank you for that wonderful introduction! :)
    This photo is just awesome, so crisp and so clear! I love that you chose the black and white for this shot it's so beautiful! And he is so cute with that peanut butter face!
    Thanks for linking up!


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