Monday, July 11, 2011

Mama's got a brand new [camera in her] bag

 I became the proud owner of a new-to-me Nikon D90 over the weekend!  My photographer friend posted a notice on her facebook page and after a flurry of messages back and forth (interspersed with some creative negotiations with Captain Husband), it was a done deal.  It's quite the step up from my D3000--I'm still wading through the rather thick user's manual--but I'm super excited to play around with it.

My friend, Erin, and her son, Ayden, came over for a pool play-date, which gave me an opportunity to fiddle with my new camera's various settings; this was also Sammy's first time at the pool since he's started walking, so I was hopeful that the wading pool would be a little more enjoyable for him this time around.  As you can see, I had nothing to worry about:

Sammy at the pool


  1. That is super exciting - congrats. I'm already loving what I see.

  2. YAY!! So exciting. That is like my camera. :) I love these photos.

  3. Congrats on the new addition! I love that first photo - hilarious!

  4. how fun!!! I love these photos sammy is growing so fast!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! Love new camera equipment!! :)

  6. beautiful jealous about the D90-congrats!!

  7. congrats on the new camera!! That is awesome and love the pool pictures!

  8. Congrats on the camera! I know how exciting that must be- I had planned on reaching my goal by Oct- but after some setbacks- it may be a bit longer of pushing this one to it's limit :)

  9. Congrats on the new camera! It's so fun to get a new one. Love these, they're so cute!

  10. Woohoo! That is awesome. Congratulations. I do not even want to know what kind of negotiations went on with Captain Husband, lol. ;)

  11. Oh, wow. I am totally drooling over these photos! I still don't understand what upgrading my camera would do for my photos, which is a good thing because it's not in the budget right now!! :) I love the sharp focus in these photos. They're wonderful and joyful.

    Thanks for coming by and commenting on my photo and feel free to link these up at my blog hop on Thursday! It's about what makes us happy and we always love beautiful photos that make us smile :)


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