Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Taking time to stop and smell the roses

I feel as though I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off lately--I don't know if it's because spring is finally here or because I'm in "nesting" mode or what, but my to-do list seems to be growing longer by the minute (some examples: finish the craft/guest room, start sewing diaper covers, make an infant car seat cover, work on the backyard a bit and so on and so forth).  I'm actually enjoying this burst of creative energy but it also means that I've been neglecting other things, like my blog reading list, inbox and sleep schedule.  The rose bushes in the backyard, however, are enjoying all of my manic attention, even though I honestly have no idea what I'm doing back there--Captain Husband and I have been cutting back the stuff that looks questionable and apparently that's been working as we were rewarded with these two gorgeous blooms over the weekend.  Now if only we could coax some grass to grow in the backyard--then we'd really be set.


  1. So much to do but it's all so exciting!!! I am so thrilled for you!

  2. Beautiful roses. You are not going to get grass to grow in your backyard, sorry. You are in El Paso. There is a reason so many front yards have rockscapes. lol

  3. I love this shot. Beautiful photo and post.

  4. Those are beautiful! And made a beautiful photograph!

  5. Those are beautiful! And made a beautiful photograph!

  6. Those are beautiful! And made a beautiful photograph!


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