Monday, March 26, 2012

Unsolicited Uterus Update #2

May I have a drum roll, please?  Baby #2 is a boy!  According to the ultrasound technician, he's looking good and measuring right on target for an early August birthday.  This news all came as a welcome relief, especially as I haven't been feeling him move at all and I know I was definitely feeling Sammy by this point in my first pregnancy.  Turns out I've got an anterior placenta, which is keeping me from feeling all of the little flutters and whatnot.  I was pretty happy to see him kicking and punching on the screen, even though I couldn't feel a darn thing.

In somewhat related news, I've decided to make a switch in my insurance by going from TriCare Prime to TriCare Standard.  This means I'll be able to choose a doctor and will no longer be beholden to the military health care system.  I've been terribly unhappy with my experience so far and the stress of the situation was really keeping me from enjoying what should be a happy and exciting time in my life.  Of course this now means that I have to find a doctor that's accepting new patients, STAT, but I'm just so happy to be done with all of that other nonsense.

 then, she {snapped}


  1. yaya for another little boy:) Sammy's going to be such a great big brother! You guys have to be so excited!!

    Funny, I'm not feeling much movement on this one either. They say she's breech so her kicks are really low and into my back most days so I guess thats it.

  2. Yay!! For both the fact that it's a boy and everything's good! And is it bad that when I read this my thought was "our boys are going to be best friends!" when I still don't know I'm carrying a boy? Now I'm even more eager for my ultrasound nest week. And I hope the doctor search goes smoothly and your new one is fabulous! (I think I put in enough exclamation points so I will end now:) )

  3. Congratulations! I'm thinking I may end up with a house full of boys too...Good for you in changing your Tricare options. I was looking into that before I found out about the midwife/centering program at the hospital here on base. I've loved my experience so far, they are so accommodating and really want you to have the experience YOU want, not what the hospital wants. Good luck!

  4. Yeah!! I know Sammy is going to be such a great big brother! I am so excited for you guys!

  5. I'm so stinkin' excited for you!!!!! That is great news!

  6. The little guy looks great! Have you guys narrowed down a name yet?

  7. Aww. Cute. Exciting. Praying the switch goes smoothly.

  8. Look at this, I stop blogging for a few months and you go and get yourself knocked up.... :)

    I'm so happy for you guys!! Congratulations!

  9. Well where have I been - I went looking for this update and so glad I found it. Congrats on another little boy. Sammy needed a brother!


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