Monday, April 2, 2012

Getting ready for guests

Our house is going to have a bit of a revolving door this spring--my BFF Aubree' is coming to visit from Atlanta this week, and then my father-in-law will be here at the end of the month.  My friend, Suzy, is coming for a few days at the beginning of May and she'll be followed by my brother, sister-in-law and nephew, who will be staying with us for a little over a week.  So I figured it was about time that I put my nose to the grindstone and get the guest room in order.

I came across this cute luggage stand at, you guessed it, the thrift store over the weekend.  It was missing one of its straps, but I knew that would be an easy enough fix and I could customize it to match the overall color scheme of the guest room.  After a quick trip to my local craft store for some grosgrain ribbon, I was ready to get to work.

Using one of the original straps as a measurement guide, I cut out three strips of grosgrain ribbon and used the original staple holes as my guide.  I folded the ends of the ribbons under and stapled through them, which will keep the edges from fraying and looking unfinished.  Took me a total of five minutes to finish and now I have a functional and stylish luggage stand for the guest room.

There was still one missing piece to take care of--a nightstand.  I'd been using a small chair next to the bed as a place for my guests to rest their glasses and such while they slept, but I knew it wasn't really doing the trick.  I came across the solution while browsing the clearance section at Target and was soon hard at working building a new nightstand.  It's been awhile since I've put together anything like this and amazingly I managed to get it put together correctly the first time around.

I changed out the original knob for a faceted glass one that I found at Lowe's just to tweak the nightstand's look a bit. I hope my guests like the new additions to the guest room as much as Sandy Cat does!

 then, she {snapped}


  1. Looks like the cute kitty found a new bed :)

    Your changes look really nice and I'm sure it'll make your guests a little more comfortable.

  2. Love it and I love the colors! I need get my nose to the grindstone with my sewing machine. I began and when the thread broke after two seconds, I stopped. I guess I wasnt ready for it.


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