Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Which cloth diaper should I choose for baby #2?

It should come as no surprise to those who know me that I'm planning to use cloth diapers on baby #2 when he makes his appearance this summer.  Sammy's been in cloth since the day he came home from the hospital and the experience has been great.  However, it's a bit of a double-edged sword; I know so much more about cloth now than I did two years ago, which means a whole new world of options is spread out before me.  Don't get me wrong--I really like our Fuzzi Bunz and couldn't be happier with how they've worked out for us, but I want to try something different this time around...you know, shake things up a bit.  Right now I'm toying around with the idea of using fitteds and covers, with me making some of the covers and possibly trying my hand at converting some prefolds into fitteds (known as "prefitteds") to cut down on costs a bit.  I figure by doing this I can keep both the baby's and Sammy's bum in cloth, with the majority of the Fuzzi Bunz being set aside for Sammy's use.  Then, once the baby has gotten a bit bigger and started to outgrow the fitteds, I can transition him into Sammy's diapers because hopefully Sammy will be using less of them and (fingers crossed) be on his way to potty training.   So my question for all of you cloth-diapering mamas out there is does this sound like a feasible plan?  Are there any other options I should consider?  Do you have a favorite kind of fitted diaper?  I'm all ears!


  1. I love the kissaluv hemp fitteds, they work really well for us, especially at nighttime. I have a little of everything, and when my last was a newborn, we used primarily flats/prefolds with covers and let my toddler use the bigger OS pockets.

  2. Before we had to stop using cloth diapers on Little Lady, I really loved it. It was my first time trying it. I used Best Bottom diapers. I bought the shells and then the inserts. We did have to wait until she was 2 months old to start cloth diapering her because she was soooo little nothing at all fit her (4 pounds). It wasn't until she was 2 months old that she hit 6.5 pounds and we could start cloth diapering.

  3. I really liked using pre-folds with covers, because they always fit, no matter what. Then you can use the pre-folds to stuff a pocket diaper with a missing insert. I can't imagine using a pocket diaper on a baby smaller than 6 months, just because of the sheer number they go through, and that on just pee. At least with the pre-folds, you can reuse the cover if it's just wet.

    Also, an ingenious thing I never though of-we randomly got some pre-folds from a friend, and one of them had velcro wings on the side, and velco patches sewn in different places on the "front". Amazing use of stuff you have laying around the house, if you ask me.

  4. humm...I can't answer that question for you. We had the ole regular ones with safety pins! :0 I wish we would have had these, at least for the cuteness!

  5. It's been quite a while for me- but we used the contoured rainbows in the velcro or snap closing covers. At night I used the traditional pre-folds with old fashioned pins & a wool soaker. If I had to do it again- I would probably go with the fitted rainbows because I loved them so much & then get the covers for them. I would probably pick up some all-in-ones for going out & I had always wanted to try the fuzzi buns at that time so I would probably do those for night time because of how they pull the moisture away from the skin. But that's just my 2 cents :)

  6. When the boys were little, we used the traditional white ones with pins. I didn't even know there are so many different types to choose now!!!


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