Thursday, May 31, 2012

Monkey see, monkey do

It appears that Sammy is picking up some habits from yours truly; yesterday afternoon, he decided to turn the tables and take some "pictures" of me with his vintage Fisher Price camera.  I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, especially as I've been shoving a camera in this kid's face since birth.

Sammy took a quick break to enjoy a snack of some carrots (another thing he appears to have picked up from me recently--up until yesterday, he wouldn't touch a raw carrot with a ten foot pole) and then he was back to taking shots of me and the play room.  I hope this means that he might actually grow up to enjoy photography--after all, my love for the medium was ignited by my mom's ever-present camera when I was a kid.

I think I've got myself a junior shutterbug in the making.


  1. Oh, you are giving me hope! Maeve never eats carrots, but I'll keep trying!

  2. OOOOH your kid is so freaking cute!

  3. I remember those toy cameras. I also remember the real ones like them. ;) Maybe he can take some pics of you and the new baby. lol

  4. I totally forgot about those cameras! I will have to be on the look out for one. I bought my grandson a (kid) camera for Christmas, it takes real photos but not of the best quality. LOL


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