Friday, June 1, 2012

A quick kitchen update

I've been a bit of a homebody lately thanks to the increasing temperatures outside and my ever-expanding waistline.  Because I'm spending so much time indoors with Sammy these days, I've had a lot of time to tweak things around the house.  The other day I finally got around to working on Sammy's play kitchen a little bit--nothing major, but I think the changes make the space function much better now.
Sammy loves the little clock that I hung over the kitchen sink and likes to count the numbers; I found the adorable vintage kitty wall coat rack at the thrift store at Fort Bliss, which gives Sammy the perfect spot to hang up his apron when he's not using it.  I've had the shelf sitting around for almost six months now and finally mounted it above the stove--now there's a place for Sammy's fun fabric foods that are within easy reach for his culinary creations.   There are still a few other little things I'd like to do in the play room, like hanging up some art work and such, but I'm parceling these changes out in little bits here and there so I don't run out of things to do too quickly.  Do you have any tips for helping me beat the heat (and the boredom)?


  1. Yay IKEA food! Maeve loves 'em, too!

    And maybe you could introduce him to water balloons?

  2. Oh that is so super cute! Boredom issues, I would be sewing away! (If I could) But I know you can. :)

  3. Adorable! I've been spending more time inside, too, so I hear ya!

  4. You have to check out my friend's sure called No Time for Flash Cards. I don't know if I have told you about it before, but it rocks! Full of crafts, activities, and book ideas.


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