Monday, September 24, 2012

Puddle jumping

These photos were taken a few weeks ago (shows just how far behind the eight ball I am these days) before my mom returned to Pennsylvania, but they're just too cute not to share.  We'd been hit by a big rainstorm one afternoon, so my mom took Sammy and Charlie outside to do some puddle jumping, something that Sammy doesn't get to do too often on account of us living in the middle of the desert and all that.  Sammy had a blast as you can see and I had a great time photographing him having fun.

 then, she {snapped}
The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Monday, September 17, 2012

Charlie's one-month update

Charlie turned a month old last Wednesday and I know that pretty much every person with a baby says this, but I just can't believe how fast the time has flown by--it probably has something to do with the lack of sleep effecting my perception.  I can't really complain too much, though; Charlie is definitely one very easy going baby.  He's pretty happy as long as his belly is full and his bottom is dry.  Charlie has been smiling socially for the last two weeks now and is also starting to coo and gurgle when he's happy, which is usually when he's getting his diaper changed.  I think he had a growth spurt over the weekend as he was nursing around the clock and now all of a sudden he's wearing 3-6 month pjs and onesies (for reference, he's wearing a 12-month onesie in the above photo; it was the only plain white one that I had).

The rest of the family is doing okay for the most part, although Captain Husband is really feeling the effects of having to wake up once or twice a night to help me with the diaper changes and feedings.  Sammy has been pretty good with the new normal, although he's still acting out at the most inconvenient of times and has recently decided that hitting me while I'm changing his diaper is hilarious.  Newsflash: It's not.  I'm coping the best that I can, although some days are harder than others (like last Tuesday, when both boys decided to try out synchronized crying); but for every rough day there's at least one really good day, so I think things are going pretty well all things considered.
 then, she {snapped}

Monday, September 10, 2012

All smiles

Not much to say, thanks to the late night I pulled watching the Pittsburgh vs. Denver game (I'm a Steelers fan while Captain Husband is a Broncos fan, so much trash talking was to be had in the house), so I thought I'd share this incredibly cute photo of Charlie that I took last Sunday.  Only three weeks old and smiling for the camera--the kid is a fast learner.  And in other news, where has the time gone?  This kid's going to be a month old in only a few days!

 then, she {snapped}

Monday, September 3, 2012

Brotherly love

I just wanted to pop by and give everyone a quick update on how things are going with the boys; my c-section made it difficult for me to get in and out of bed on my own, making it virtually impossible for me to tend to Charlie's needs at night, so Charlie had been staying in my mom's room with her while she was here.  Well, she returned to Pennsylvania on Wednesday last week, and I was feeling a lot better, so Charlie made the move into the master bedroom and has been doing well ever since--he actually only gets up once in the night for a feeding and then usually goes right back to sleep; I credit the a/c unit's white noise for just how easy of a transition this has been so far.  He's a super easy baby--possibly even more easy-going than Sammy was as a newborn, which is saying a lot (knock on wood).

In other news, Sammy has come to the realization that Charlie is here to stay in a mostly positive way, although his whining has increased about a hundred fold in the interim.  There's no jealousy per se, but I've noticed that Sammy tends to become more insistent in his demands whenever I'm unable to do anything for him, like when I'm feeding Charlie.  If anyone has any tips or tricks for keeping a toddler occupied while I'm indisposed, I'd really appreciate it (I've already ruled out more extreme measures, such as duct taping him to the wall).  Have a great Labor Day!

 then, she {snapped}