Today I am a full thirty-eight weeks pregnant. I feel huge and cumbersome, and frankly, the heat and humidity of the past week have not helped things at all. My hands and feet are swollen all of the time and my joints are getting stiff. But other than that stuff, I'm feeling pretty good and can still walk around without too much discomfort as long as I'm wearing good shoes and keep things within reason (no more marathon trips to the outlet mall).
Captain Husband was able to make it home for the Memorial Day weekend, so we worked on a couple of baby-related tasks even though I had managed to get a lot of stuff done on my own, like washing and sorting all of the baby clothing. I figured that the weekend was really more for us to spend time together as a couple so I didn't want to make his visit home all about "honey do" lists. My brother, Ben, is letting us borrow my great-grandmother's antique cradle, so I had CH bring it up from the garage and help me clean it up. Here's Sandy testing it out--she doesn't seem to mind that there's no mattress:

Once that was taken care of, we moved on to the next project, which was installing the car seat. My dad gave CH a hand with that one while I "supervised." Fortunately, the whole process was pretty simple and straight-forward; I will admit that it's a little weird driving around with that thing in the back seat, though, knowing that soon enough it will actually have a little person in it.

We also managed to get the new-to-us crib set up in the office on the second floor; I
pre-washed all of the sheets and various other accessories and had even managed to make a crib skirt out of a queen size bed skirt that I scored at
Ikea for $4.99 with the help of some scissors and
velcro. I think it turned out pretty well, all things considered:

So what's left to do (besides actually having the baby)? I have yet to tackle
pre-washing and then sizing the
Fuzzi Bunz, but I have high hopes that I will start that process this evening and finish it over the weekend (it also helps that my dad magically got the hot water working in the washing machine again). I should probably pack an overnight bag to have at the ready, but I'll probably wait a bit more before doing that. My dad will hopefully be able to build a base for the co-sleeper to sit on to even it out with the height of our bed, which is super high, so that's on his list for next week. Other than those things, everything is pretty much under control. I guess this is sort of the calm before the storm, right?
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