One thing that has really made itself quite clear is just how gender-divided everything baby-related is from the moment your kid exits your uterus. I get that some people have certain expectations of what a little boy versus a little girl should look like in terms of dress, but how hard would it be to mix things up a bit? About 90% of every boy's outfit that I've picked up has some variation of the following emblazoned upon it; A. Trucks/cars of some sort, B. Dogs/puppies, or C. Some pithy little phrase about being "Daddy's little blank (i.e. helper, slugger, sports star)." And the girls' stuff is no better; it's like the only career aspirations they are expected to have, at least in terms of what their clothing proclaims, is pretty, pretty princess. Ugh. Seriously? So far, I've been favoring things with dinosaurs and bugs on them (which are things I loved when I was a little girl), but I'm beginning to run out of options.
In other news, I have half-heartedly started a baby registry at The whole asking people for gifts thing makes me a bit uncomfortable, but I know that it's hard to resist wanting to buy cute baby stuff. I mean, just look at the pile of stuff on the bed.
I'm glad you did start the registry so we know what you get you! Plus, all your friends and family are excited too and would love to help you out in celebrating the arrival of your little boy! I'm always up for some discount shopping you need some company ;)
Me too! If you ever want to do the baby shopping thing down here in the Fred, I'm available!! I can also do housewares shopping, shoe shopping, book shopping, antique shopping, art shopping...
Some more shopping, eh? Just twist my arm, why don't you? :)
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