July 1949 image from the Life photo archive
I apologize for the prolonged absence from my blog lately; January is always a crazy busy month for me, due primarily to the
Winter Antiques Show, or what I like to call the Superbowl of the Antiques World. Preparing for this show always takes a lot of time and energy, so its never a good thing to get sick with a nasty stomach bug right before go-time. Oops. In between the traveling to and from Washington, DC, and New York, I also found the time to worry incessantly about Captain Husband, who was away for two weeks on some sort of mission he couldn't tell me about. I tried pretending that he was off somewhere in a tuxedo like James Bond, but that only helped a little. On top of all of that, my sweet cat Josie got very very sick and was diagnosed with liver disease. She's surprised all of us, including her vet, and is actually on her way to a slow recovery and is starting to eat again and display some
cattitude once more--keep your fingers crossed. In short, it has been an emotional month. Here's hoping February will be better (CH is now safely ensconced at his base; Josie is getting better; no more shows until March) and I hope to return to some semblance of a posting schedule. I might even add some new and exciting features!*
*New and exciting to me, probably not so much to anyone else. Sorry.
Oh, I was wondering what the Josie news was that you mentioned in your e-mail. Big kitty hugs to Miss Jo on a speedy recovery!!!
Thanks for the well wishes; every little bit helps!
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