It's official--someone needs to find a way to slow things down around here because this year is just flying by. Before I know it, I'm going to have a two-year old AND a new baby in the house...oh man. Deep breaths. Today Sammy turns twenty-months old and honestly, the month of February has not been too kind to him; he's currently suffering through some nasty seasonal allergies, and to add insult to injury, he appears to be working on his two-year-old molars. But aside from being rather snotty and at times inconsolable, Sammy's been excelling at what he does best--growing and learning something new every day. While I don't think his weight has really changed in the past month, I can't help but think that he's grown slightly taller as nearly all of his 24-month pants have turned into high-waters, so he's pretty much exclusively in 2T tops and pants--although I wonder how long those will last.
New words:
Puppy, putting "a" in front of singular nouns like "a ball" and "a kitty", etc., peas, "p" for airplane, the phrase, "I did it", duck, bee, butterfly, goat, cup, fork, smooth, soft, glasses, on, and my all-time personal favorite, mommy. Yes, that's right. It's taken my child nearly two years to identify me with any particular word (he had "daddy" down pat at eleven months old)...better late than never, right? Captain Husband also estimates that Sammy can identify approximately a third of the alphabet right now as well as a few numbers--his favorite number appears to be 8 as he is always finding it and pointing it out.
New tricks:
saying please and thank you without (too much) prompting, walking up and down stairs while holding someone's hand, making the ASL sign for "Blue's Clues," bringing me the remote control and then requesting a specific show, climbing up into his high chair at meal time, and taking all of his naps and sleeping through the night in his new big-boy bed. Sammy's also starting to string two or three words together, although more often than not his sentences sound something like this: "Mommy blabbity boppity keys gobbedly gibbedly bye-bye?", which roughly translates to something like, "Hey mommy, I see you have the car keys in your hand. Are we're going out?" Sammy also likes to sit and page through his books, "reading" them out loud to himself; for example, he'll page through
Bear Snores On and will say "Aaaaa-choooo" when he reaches the page where Bear wakes up with a sneeze.