My mom and my brother, John, came down for a visit and to give me a bit of a much-needed break over the weekend. On the agenda was hanging out, watching movies (The Other Guys was surprisingly humorous), taking care of some child-proofing, and installing Sammy's new car seats. I can gladly say that we managed to accomplish everything on the list and then some. I've only undertaken the bare minimum in childproofing, such as covering the outlets, placing gates at the tops of the stairs, installing locks on all of the lower kitchen cabinets and padding the edges of the coffee table, but I now understand why some individuals are willing to pay exorbitant amounts to have other people go into their homes and take care of all of the necessary childproofing, because installing this stuff was a giant pain in the butt (of course, if I had taken the time to drill pilot holes for all of the cabinet locks things would have gone a lot more smoothly, but that's hindsight for you). Here's Sammy playing next to the coffee table in all of its ugly-yet-kid-friendly-padded glory:

The best thing about this set-up is that the padding is completely removable; this was a big selling point for me because I didn't want to take any chances in damaging the original finish of the coffee table (I know, I know--antiques and babies are probably not the best combination, but I'm crazy like that). I'm curious to see how it holds up at the next play date that I host.
My mom spearheaded the installation of the two new car seats that I had ordered last week for the car and the truck; Sammy has all but outgrown his infant carrier so it was time to put him in a "big boy" car seat. I have a feeling that Sammy is going to enjoy the extra room that his new car seats will afford the next time we go for a ride. All in all a pretty productive weekend!
Today is last day to vote for our entry in the
Love Letters to Kitty Paw contest; Sandy Cat sure would appreciate it if you could click below and give us a vote--our entry is listed at #9. Thanks so much!
Looks like he likes the new ride :) What brand did you get? We are on the hunt for something for Lily.
I also voted for Sandy!
Wow. That is one ugly coffeetable ;)
My god that's a safe looking child. :)
Congrats! That is certainly exciting!
You should come link up with me for my Monday Rewind. Your post fits the topic of fav photos from last week.
I have never seen a coffee table thing like this...don't think they sell that here. Hahahah I think we might just put the coffee table in the cellar for now.
Glad you were able to get the much needed break and help. Let me know how the coffee table padding works out. :)
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