In an effort to learn more about fellow MilSpouse bloggers, Wifey from Wife of a Sailor started this weekly meme; here are this week's questions.
1. What is your favorite MilSpouse blog (not including Wife of a Sailor who we all love, or your own)? submitted by Our Crazy Life (Wifey note: whaaaat? You can't say my blog? No fun! LOL, just kidding)
I've started following so many MilSpouse blogs over the past year that it's going to be hard to choose, but I'm going to have to go with Army of Two; Natalia is a fellow history dork and has recently made the decision to go from Army spouse to Army soldier. I'm really looking forward to reading more about this new chapter of her life and living vicariously through her adventures!
2. What are your favorite perks about your s/o being deployed (we all know there are perks)? submitted by Ramblings of a Marine Wife
Having free-reign over the appearance of our home's interior; when Captain Husband is gone for extended periods of time, I amuse myself by painting, rearranging and/or refinishing furniture, installing light fixtures, ripping up carpet, etc. He's really lucky that I'm not into wallpaper because every room would be covered in the stuff by now.
3. How long did you date your
We were engaged after dating for a little over seven months and married two months later. Nothing like an impending deployment to speed things up a bit, right?
4. What do you think your spouse
Hmmm, well CH is currently working on his MBA so I'm going to guess he'd do something business/financially-related. Though he's also supposedly on board with the idea of us starting our own antique shop after he retires, so it's really anyone's guess.
5. If you could talk to the Secretary of (fill in your appropriate branch) what is one suggestion you would like to bring to their attention in order to improve the lives of military families? submitted by My Life as His (Air Force) Wife
I honestly haven't really thought about this so much; while CH and I have spent about six months together in the 2 1/2 years we've been married, we really haven't had it all that bad especially since I've been able to stay put in Virginia while CH did the bulk of the packing and moving during this time. That said, I am definitely not looking forward to our first PCS, which will likely be taking place this summer (you know, during the same time that CH, Sammy and I are reintegrating after a year apart--should be super fun), so I'm going to go with longer tours of duty at permanent duty stations. I thrive on stability and the thought of having to move every two to three years makes me feel slightly nauseous.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Oh my goodness, thanks for the shout out! Funny, I was going to put YOUR blog as my fave but I decided to be neutral. I love your idea about longer duty stations, especially with kids. Hope you're enjoying the beautiful weekend!
I wish I were as motivated as you with regard to interior decoration! I have vague notions of certain ideas I'd like to implement, but just thinking about it makes me tired. Guess I ought to suck it up and do it anyway if I ever want to see results as nice as yours, huh? ;-)
I'm totally looking forward to painting without worrying about what he thinks till after:) And I think longer time at duty stations is a great idea!
The antique shop idea is great!
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