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Monday, June 13, 2011

Sammy versus the coffee table

Sarah's cloth 101

This weekend found Sammy and me in western Pennsylvania for a few days; the main impetus behind this trip was so I could host a Cloth 101 gathering for my sister-in-law, who is due in September and planning on using cloth diapers exclusively.  The party was held at the home of my brother's adoptive grandparents, Barb and Ken, who had also graciously allowed Sammy and me the use of one of their finely appointed guest rooms.  Sammy spent most of our stay showing off his walking skills, although I soon learned that a tired baby attempting to walk on his own is a recipe for disaster.

Ken, Sammy and Barb

If you look closely in the above photo, you'll notice that Sammy's right eye is super swollen; this photo was taken shortly after he attempted to go head to head with the coffee table while Sarah and Barb were watching him. I think you can probably guess which one won. Here's his shiner on Saturday, when most of the swelling had gone down:

Sammy's shiner

This picture really doesn't do it justice. It's a lovely shade of purple from the outer edge of his eye all the way to his inner eyelid, where it changes to a nasty bright pink; I figure it will be a fabulous yellow/green combination just in time for Captain Husband's arrival this coming Sunday.


Maeve's Momma said...

Aww, poor Sammy-lamb! Maeve has made contact with many doors and tables, but never bruised quite so colorfully! I got my first shiner on a coffee table, too. I'm sure CH will be proud of his son and keep telling everyone - you shoulda seen the other guy!

Unknown said...

Oh, boys. They will never cease getting hurt. My son's head is just level with the edge of my MIL's outdoor table (of the metal and glass variety). He runs full tilt into it about twice every visit. Luckily, hard noggins run in my husband's family, so aside from some bruised egos and show-tears, he's never been seriously hurt.

NHGirl said...

Aww, first black eyes, I know those! My boys both had black eyes before their first birthdays. My oldest, however, managed to chip his front tooth while learning to walk. Poor kid takes after his mommy! :)

Gina Kleinworth said...

Oh my goodness! Poor little guy! Those are so hard because it just happens so fast & then you have to wonder what people are thinking when you take them out in public for the next week. :) Hope it fades soon.

Courtney said...

oh bless his heart! :(

Veronica Lee said...

Oh, poor sweet Sammy! Rodney used to scare me with big bumps on his forehead when he was little. It was always the same spot on his forehead whenever he fell or knocked into things.

((hugs)) to Sammy!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, yes. We've been there before. So heartbreaking!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Poor guy. :( Hope it heals quickly!

Unknown said...

Awe its so scary when they hurt themselves! I have two accident prone kids and getting pretty good at dressing burns. My heart goes out to you and your future bumps and bruises!

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